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Web development company

Establish a solid digital presence with our web development company. We specialize in building unique web-based solutions with advanced technologies to help companies fulfill their goals without a hitch. Our skilled team will work closely with you to create a stunning custom web app that exceeds your expectations.

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Top web design and development services

If your plans include a web development project, you have come to the right place. As a web development agency with a solid background in delivering innovative web solutions, we provide professional web services to companies that dream big.

Our skilled web developers are eager to produce a top-quality product tailored to the specific needs of your business. The whole team stays in the loop with the current trends, ensuring your new web app outshines the competition and brings genuine value to your clients.

Qualities that make us unique

Achieving a competitive advantage requires a product that is technologically advanced, highly functional, and visually attractive. Our web development firm will help you meet those requirements, guiding you throughout the entire development process. Discover why we are the best companion for delivering your web solution.

Seasoned experts in the team

Our web development team includes more than 10 React.js experts, the majority of whom are senior website developers with considerable expertise in delivering web solutions that address users’ demands.

Carefully thought-out development process

We reviewed each area of our web development process to identify tasks that can be automated and create a system to handle more demanding ones. Following predefined procedures allows us to build high-quality web applications within the deadline and budget.

Wide-ranging industry knowledge

Create your web app with a company that has been around the block and can deal with projects from different areas, including Blockchain, iGaming, FinTech, and Crypto. By integrating business and web development knowledge, we can develop an industry-focused solution that matches your company’s goals.

Working with established and young companies

We have previously worked with a broad spectrum of organizations, including small businesses and large companies. That’s why we are well-prepared to support you in obtaining your objectives regardless of your firm’s size.


Verified clients’ feedback reflects on the quality of our deliverables. See the reviews to find out how we have dealt with projects similar to yours.

Find the best web development company for you

We treat your project as if it were our own, which is why we devote so much of our time and resources to making your vision come true. Our top priority is to grasp your idea and collaborate with you to create a web app that fits your standards. Here are some of the reasons that make us the ideal website development company for you.

Dedicated team

Our web developers have a genuine passion for their work, which is evident in their devotion to staying up-to-date with the latest tendencies and best practices in the industry.

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Open communication

Total transparency and open communication are our trademarks. All team members can freely share critical information and ideas through the dedicated Slack channel.

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Agile development

To ensure the most efficient development, we use the Scrum methodology. We also continuously evaluate the project goals and cooperate with our clients to introduce suitable modifications.

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Budget management

We’ll carefully estimate the funds for each task and take full responsibility for its management, allowing you to focus on other aspects of the project. To make sure we stay on the same page, we will provide you with regular reports on the project spending and its timeline.

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IP transfer

You obtain full ownership of the Intellectual Property rights for your web app from the very start of our collaboration. So if we create a custom solution for you, we will not reuse or resell it to another client, guaranteeing that your unique ideas are secured.

Superb web apps built with top-tier tools & technologies

At Crustlab, we use only high-end web development tools and technologies to provide your customers with the ultimate User Experience. Let’s make a super responsive and compelling web app together.


Web development almost always relies more or less on JavaScript, and there are plenty of reasons why this is the case. Increased development speed, easy integration with other technologies, and high accessibility – to name only a few of its benefits.

We take full advantage of these qualities to construct interactive web apps with dynamic content, animations, and all advanced features that make them engaging. Thanks to fast rendering and real-time updates, web applications coded in JS run without glitches.


We can say TypeScript is like a son of JavaScript – it incorporates what JS offers and extends it with additional features, enhancing developers’ work and expediting development. Both languages are compatible, and when used together, they allow for the building of impeccable web applications.

Improved code structure and a type system that detects problems early in the development process facilitate the creation of more sophisticated web apps in a relatively short time, reducing their Time to Market.


Learn once, write anywhere – with this philosophy in mind, React’s founders designed a library that allows us to add new features to the product without rewriting the code, whatever the platform it runs on. 

At CrustLab, we use this well-supported technology to create complex but highly responsive web and mobile UIs that boost customer engagement and retention. A cherry on top is that React supports server-side rendering, improving the performance and SEO of web-based products. A real game-changer, isn’t it?


Yet another technology from the JavaScript family that integrates its top tools for quick deployment. Constantly upgraded Next.js enables us to create full-stack web applications faster than any other framework. Our web page developers use it to construct complex interfaces with clear but impressive layouts.

Outside of web design services, automatic code splitting included in Next.js may drastically lower the initial load time, reducing the likelihood that your users would abandon your web app because it is too sluggish. In addition, this framework supports both TypeScript and the most commonly used HTML, so we can mix all three to provide an optimal User Experience.

Your custom iGaming application

We specialize in providing iGaming solutions to businesses all around the world. With multiple gambling projects in our scope of experience, we have industry-specific knowledge and skills to design the online casino or sports betting platform of your dreams. Don’t risk your time and money – choose a web designing and developing company with proven expertise.

Numerous iGaming projects delivered

We have completed over 15 iGaming projects in total, including sportsbooks, online casinos, lotteries, and betting mobile applications.

Pari-mutuel and White Label solutions

Our web design agency has been developing Pari-mutuel betting platforms and White Label frontends for clients from different countries.

Cloud-based warehouses

One of our long-term collaborations resulted in a multi-tenant betting data warehouse for a top gambling company in the United States.

Regulatory compliance

All of our products comply with regulatory guidelines, ensuring that our partners operate legally and maintain a secure gambling environment for their customers.

Integration with external SDKs

We can enhance the functionality of your web app using external SDKs to increase its usability and competitiveness.

Connection to multiple slot game providers

Offering integration with various slot game providers, we open your doors to more diverse entertainment, increasing your platform’s prestige.

Web development process in a nutshell

From the ideation stage to maintenance – every project at CrustLab fits into a well-defined framework that facilitates delivering high-quality web apps in a relatively short time. We always encourage you to participate in all its stages because we believe close cooperation yields the best results. By working with us, you gain a genuine partner and consultant who will assist you at every step of the web development process, which looks like this.

Product Discovery Workshops

This is the initial step in our partnership because it helps us figure out and assess your app concept. We focus on acquiring a detailed business perspective on the project to design a precise implementation plan that corresponds with your vision. The project roadmap provides a clear catalog of milestones and due dates our development team needs to follow.

UX/UI Design

Now, we meticulously construct your product’s design to obtain a visually attractive and intuitive User Experience. To begin, we perform market research and create user personas. Based on this, our team generates simple wireframes, which are converted into interactive prototypes. These operations result in an official draft of your web app consistent with your brand.

Agile Development & QA

At this stage, we turn the image into a complete app. In line with Scrum methodology, the team delivers your web app’s components in cycles and checks their efficiency using automated tests. When all the elements are in place, the app goes through a rigorous Quality Assurance procedure to check if it functions correctly. The whole development stage is well-thought-off and supervised by an experienced Scrum Master to deliver your product without any surprises.


Once development and testing are complete, we prep your web application for launch. Yes, your users will finally see the fruit of our collaboration! But before this can happen, our team prepares a server to host the app and configure the settings. Then we conduct a dry-run to confirm that the application can handle the traffic. If that’s the case, we make it available to your customers.


We will not ditch your project once the product has been released. As a full-service website development agency, we also oversee your app’s maintenance, which includes fixing bugs and security issues, as well as upgrading it to the newest technology. Seems too good to be true? Work with us and see for yourself.

Not ready for an app development yet?

Our Product Design Workshops can help you clarify your vision and create the documentation for your project.Or, if you prefer, we can arrange a Product Discovery meeting to evaluate your app concept and plan the project from the ground up.

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Tech Stack for all types of web development

Whether you want to improve your app or develop one from the ground up, we are here to help. Our team will assist you in selecting relevant technologies and tools to design a product that matches your requirements, choosing from the items below.

Programming languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript

Databases: MongoDB, Redis, IndexedDB

Frameworks: React, NextJS, NestJS, NodeJS, Spring, Hibernate, Django, Redux Toolkit (RTK Query), Jest, Cypress

Architecture: React Context / Redux, Saga, SSR, SPA, micro frontends, Atomic Design

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with the CEO of CrustLab

Hi, I’m Adam – CEO of CrustLab

I would love to share my experiences with you and talk about the challenges you are facing! Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your ideas and needs for any project.

Hi, I’m Adam – CEO of CrustLab

I would love to share my experiences with you and talk about the challenges you are facing! Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your ideas and needs for any project.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you have any further queries about our web designing & development company or web development solutions in general, check our FAQ. The most commonly asked questions are answered here.

    • How much does a web app cost on average?

      A web application’s cost is affected by several factors, including project size, the scope of work, and the technology used. The more complicated the app, the more effort, and expertise are required to build it, which makes it difficult to give specific pricing. However, based on our previous web development projects and industry experience, we can predict that:

      • a simple web application with standard features may cost from $10,000 up to $25,000
      • a bit more complex web app would require $25,000 up to $50,000
      • the price of a highly sophisticated web app might fluctuate between $50,000 and $250,000+.

      Remember that these are only rough averages. Reach out to our web app development company for more precise estimation.

    • Why should I build a web app with React?

      React facilitates the construction of interactive User Interfaces for a wide range of mobile and web products, including CRM and e-commerce development. And since the UI design of a web app is what makes it or breaks it, you should focus on creating it with the best technologies available. See how developing in React can benefit your web app.

      • Strong developer community

      You can construct exceptionally aesthetic web apps using an open-source library supported by a large developer community, providing you with helpful resources and third-party tools.

      • Great for custom web, single-page & mobile apps

      React enables devs to construct not just custom web applications but also mobile and single-page apps at the same time, decreasing development time and cost.

      • Interactive UI and UX components library

      React is a popular choice for designing web apps since it contains extensive libraries of interactive components that enable our web designers to provide an extraordinary User Experience to your customers.

      • Developed and supported by Facebook

      The technology was developed by Facebook, one of the world’s leading brands. They even built their own page with React, demonstrating its dependability.

      • One source code for multiple platforms

      You may leverage React to create an app for different platforms using the same source code, making the development process much less demanding and thus faster.

      • Component-based approach

      React’s component-based architecture allows for breaking down complex UI into manageable components and reusing them across the app, accelerating the development.

      • SEO-friendly

      Web applications developed with React load quickly and are readily indexed by search engines thanks to server-side rendering and React Helmet.

      • Responsive Web Application 

      Using React, you can build web apps that are responsive, fast, user-friendly, and adaptable to any screen size.


      Choose a website designing and development company with broad expertise in building web products in React and enjoy positive feedback from your prospects. Contact us!

    • What are the benefits of custom web app development?

      You have two options for establishing your digital footprint. Either go for a low-cost ready-made web platform, brand it with your logo, and accept that you can barely change its design, let alone its features. Or, develop a unique web application that will distinguish you from your competitors.

      If you are not sure about custom website development, let us provide you with some advantages of this solution.

      • Personalization

      Using off-the-shelf templates may result in the inadequate architecture of your app that fails to meet the unique demands of your industry and target audience. Customization gives your platform a distinct look and feels, boosting clients’ satisfaction and your revenues.

      • Scalability

      When you have a custom web app, you can seamlessly scale it up with new features and integrate it with other systems to accommodate to new realities of your business. That way, your product can grow just as fast as your company.

      •  Improved security

      Security is a fundamental quality of every platform, but it is especially important if you store sensitive personal data. Custom development prevents the breaching of confidential information thanks to advanced coding methods, technology, and building environment.

      • Customer journey optimization

      Custom solutions bring the possibility of various personalization, including user journey adjustment, which ready-made models very often lack. Why do we mention it? A cleverly adapted customer path leads a visitor directly to what they are looking for, increasing the chance for better conversion and higher profits.

      Want to work with a custom software development company? Schedule a free session with our sales team to discuss details.

    • How to make sure my web app development partner is reliable?

      Selecting a web designing and development company for your project might be challenging since there are various types of web development companies and many boxes to check. While browsing through tons of offers, pay attention to the company’s portfolio – does it include projects similar to yours? If so, what was the methodology, what technologies were used, and, most importantly, was the client satisfied with the cooperation and results? 

      You can gain such knowledge by reading case studies and testimonials, which top web development companies post on their sites. Alternatively, you can visit popular review platforms, such as Clutch or GoodFirms for reference. A lack of this information might indicate that this web development services provider has insufficient expertise to run your project.

      If you cannot find anything suitable, check out what our web development agency offers!