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Flutter app development company

Collaborate with our highly experienced mobile team to create an outstanding multiplatform app in the Flutter framework.

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Flutter application development

Flutter is a top framework used for creating excellent, near-native, multiplatform applications from a single codebase. It allows you to reach Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux users simultaneously, reducing development time and costs.

If you are looking for an experienced partner to build your cross-platform software, CrustLab is a perfect fit! Our team consists of talented Flutter app developers who follow the Agile approach to deliver first-rate products on time.

If you are looking for an experienced partner to build your cross-platform software, CrustLab is a perfect fit! Our team consists of talented Flutter app developers who follow the Agile approach to deliver first-rate products on time.

Build your Flutter app with a team of dedicated experts

We genuinely care about our clients and strive to pursue their visions. Your goals are our goals, so you can rest assured that we will take full responsibility for your Flutter application development. See what makes us your team!

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Strong background in native development

Each of the team members is familiar with Flutter while also being an expert in at least one native technology.

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Experience in multiple industries

Our mobile devs specialize in various fields, such as iGaming, Sports, and FinTech, and can easily adapt solutions to specific requirements.

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100% IP Transfer

In line with the contract, you are the only owner of Intellectual Property rights from the very start of the cooperation.

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Mostly senior team

Product development teams are composed of skilled experts, most of whom are senior developers with extensive experience.

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Working with big companies and startups

Our portfolio includes projects for businesses of all sizes, so we can help you drive the project’s vision regardless of its scope.

CrustLab team

Efficient communication

We stay in touch with our clients via common Slack channels to consult changes and keep them updated on the progress.

Our clients confirm the high quality of our services

There is no better recommendation than the opinion of a satisfied customer. See what founders and managers say about cooperation with CrustLab.

What do we actually offer?

CrustLab is a web and mobile app development company experienced in working with startups and established businesses. As a full-stack software development company, we provide such services as frontend development, backend development, DevOps, and API integrations. Our development process includes Product Discovery, Product Workshops, Product Design, and Product Development with a complete QA process, maintenance, and support. Over the last five years, we have completed more than 50 projects in iGaming, FinTech, and Healthcare. With such comprehensive expertise, we can manage your Flutter mobile app development from start to finish.

Keen on building your Flutter app with us? Learn about our development procedure.

At CrustLab, every project follows a well-defined development process to obtain the optimal quality of our deliverables.

Product Discovery Workshops

We start cooperation with the Product Discovery Workshops to understand your business goals, target audience, and core values. At this stage, we align the team with the project objectives, create a backlog, and compile a development roadmap. Being familiar with the vision of your app, we can prepare better solutions and adjust the course of action.

UX/UI Design

Once the vision of your Flutter applications is established, we can proceed to the design phase. Based on prior research, our team makes UI wireframes and then creates a clickable prototype that includes micro-interactions. During this phase, we follow your business assumptions so you can be sure that the final UI design will be consistent with your brand.

Agile Development

Now it is time to turn mockups into reality. Following a standard Scrum procedure, our Flutter app developers work in sprints to write the source code. Once the app is ready, it undergoes a complete quality assurance process performed by qualified QA/QC testers to ensure it runs properly. Whenever it’s possible, we automate the processes to speed up the delivery of your app.

As we favor transparency and open communication with our clients, you are engaged in the whole procedure and have a direct insight into ongoing issues during regular Sprint Retrospectives.


Finally! After comprehensive development and testing, your Flutter application is ready to conquer the market. At this stage, we pay attention to every detail to avoid any downtime and ensure your app will be launched on schedule.


We don’t abandon your project once it is completed. CrustLab values long-term partnerships, so you can always rely on us to keep your product up-to-date. Dominate the market and stay on top of your competition with Flutter app development services offered by our company.

Flutter development tech stack

Take a look at the technology stack we use in the cross-platform Flutter app development process.

Programming language: Dart

Architecture: MVVM, Bloc, Clean Architecture

Frameworks: AutoRoute, Intl, RxDart, Firebase, Dio, Retrofit, Hive, GetIt, Bloc, Flutter Hooks, Floor, SQFlite, Equatable, Freezed

Build tool: Pub

CI/CD: Bitrise, Fastlane, Firebase App Distribution

Not ready for an app development yet?

Our Product Design Workshops can help you clarify your vision and create the documentation for your project.Or, if you prefer, we can arrange a Product Discovery meeting to evaluate your app concept and plan the project from the ground up.

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Pros of Flutter mobile application development

Do you want to build a fully cross-platform app quickly and affordably using reliable technology? Let’s discover how Flutter can help you achieve your business objectives.

Expand your audience

With Flutter development services, you can develop an efficient multiplatform app and benefit from the maximum potential of online traffic. Thanks to a reusable codebase, a Flutter app can run smoothly on various operating systems, increasing the availability of your product.

Accelerate development

Writing just one code for multiple platforms speeds up the development of your app and reduces its time-to-market. To make this process even more dynamic, Flutter includes the HotReload feature, which lets developers fix bugs, add new features, and test innovative ideas on the fly.

Minimalize costs

Flutter application development can help you save your company’s resources. Single source code for several operating systems means less time and money spent on app development, testing, and maintenance as well as fewer specialists engaged in each stage.

Obtain close-to-native UX

Flutter’s Software Development Kit provides libraries of ready-made layouts, custom visuals, and interactive widgets that look just like native components. What’s more, Flutter apps work seamlessly and perform similarly to native ones due to the direct compilation into native code.

Expand your audience

With Flutter development services, you can develop an efficient multiplatform app and benefit from the maximum potential of online traffic. Thanks to a reusable codebase, a Flutter app can run smoothly on various operating systems, increasing the availability of your product.

Accelerate development

Writing just one code for multiple platforms speeds up the development of your app and reduces its time-to-market. To make this process even more dynamic, Flutter includes the HotReload feature, which lets developers fix bugs, add new features, and test innovative ideas on the fly.

Minimalize costs

Flutter application development can help you save your company’s resources. Single source code for several operating systems means less time and money spent on app development, testing, and maintenance as well as fewer specialists engaged in each stage.

Obtain close-to-native UX

Flutter’s Software Development Kit provides libraries of ready-made layouts, custom visuals, and interactive widgets that look just like native components. What’s more, Flutter apps work seamlessly and perform similarly to native ones due to the direct compilation into native code.

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with the CEO of CrustLab

Hi, I’m Adam – CEO of CrustLab

I would love to share my experiences with you and talk about the challenges you are facing! Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your ideas and needs for any project.

Hi, I’m Adam – CEO of CrustLab

I would love to share my experiences with you and talk about the challenges you are facing! Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your ideas and needs for any project.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Would you like to learn more about Flutter? Browse our FAQ for more details!

    • Can I reduce the costs of the project by developing my app in Flutter?

      Yes, definitely! Thanks to the Flutter app development service, you can operate on multiple platforms using only one source code. The development process of a cross-platform app is quicker, cheaper, and more flexible compared to native applications that require several teams to write separate codes for each operating system. Even though it takes more time to develop a cross-platform feature, it is still much quicker than creating native ones for two apps separately.

    • Flutter or native app – which one is a better option for my project?

      Deciding whether to go for native or Flutter app development is a primary concern that can have serious long-term consequences. That’s why you should review your project’s requirements and specify demands before making a final choice. 

      Due to unified development, Flutter can reduce product development costs and decrease its time-to-market, so it is advised for businesses that care for the product’s quality but have limited resources. Building an app in Flutter is also convenient when your UI incorporates a number of unusual interactions, which you want to stay consistent across different platforms. 

      However, more expensive native development provides greater flexibility for UI components fine-tuning. Despite its broad functionality, the Flutter framework is unquestionably more limited in this regard, at least for now.

      Additionally, although Flutter is considered to provide near-native UX much quicker and cheaper, it still has its limitations in comparison to native technologies. So if performance and speed are critical for your application, you should probably consider developing it natively.

    • Can a Flutter app include the same features as a native app?

      Yes, it can. Flutter has developed so dynamically that any native feature can be built in this framework as well. It can be implemented directly in the Flutter architecture or bridged from native libraries.

    • Is Flutter the only cross-platform technology?

      According to statistics, Flutter is the youngest and most popular cross-platform app development framework. But it is not the only cross-platform solution available on the market. 

      The greatest competition for the Flutter framework is React Native based on JavaScript. Cordova, Ionic, and Xamarin also have fans, but their market share is dropping. Other cross-platform technologies include Unity, NativeScript, PhoneGap, Kotlin Multiplatform, Apache Flex, Kendo UI, Kivy, and many more.

      Nevertheless, companies tend to choose Flutter app development due to its popularity, versatility, and flexibility.

    • Which programming language is used in Flutter development?

      Flutter applications are written in Dart – an object-oriented language optimized for client apps. The Dart virtual machine and the underlying graphics framework are created in C/C++.

      Dart’s adoption of the Hot Reload feature facilitates productive development. Thanks to this functionality, it is possible to introduce modifications into a running application and see the results immediately.

    • What is Flutter?

      Flutter is an open-source UI framework launched by Google. It enables the development of cross-platform applications for a wide range of operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Linux. Flutter is designed for building mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single codebase.

      Although Flutter is a cross-platform solution, applications developed in this framework are characterized by a close-to-native User Experience.